
DoLookIn is the verb routine responsible for processing “look in” or “look on” commands.

The code

routine DoLookIn
    local tempformat

    if not CheckReach(object):  return false

    if not light_source
        VMessage(&DoLook, 1)     ! "It's too dark to see anything."
        if object is container and (object is openable and
            object is not open and object is not transparent):
            VMessage(&DoLookIn, 1)           ! "It's closed."
            if not object.after
                object is not quiet

                tempformat = FORMAT
                FORMAT = FORMAT | NOINDENT_F
                list_nest = 0

                if WhatsIn(object) = 0
                    VMessage(&DoLookIn, 2)   ! "It's empty."

                FORMAT = tempformat
        return true