Windows Applications

The following is a list of mostly free programs that are useful for writing or plotting out a game.


GUEmap is a mapping program that is great for plotting out the room layout of your future game. Of course, it is also useful for mapping out other people’s games, too.

Trizbort is another fine mapping program. It doesn’t have some of the quick keyboard shortcuts that GUEmap has, but it makes much prettier maps. Plus, it has an automap feature that works off of game transcripts.

File Comparison

Let’s say you hacked up one of the IF Archive Hugo library contributions in an ugly fashion to work exactly like you’d like. Eventually, you might want to remind yourself exactly how it is different. WinMerge is perfect for this. It’ll show both files side by side, highlighting the differences.

If your text editor of choice does not have a “Find in Files” feature that allows you to search whole directories for specific text, TextCrawler is a good standalone program. For instance, if you are unsure about a function in Hugo, you can use a program like this to search other people’s Hugo games to see if they used whatever you need some clarification on.

Text Editors

For text editors, check out the Supported Editors page!