Supported Editors

You can use any text editor to view, edit, and write Hugo source files, but the ones on this list can make working with Hugo code easier by coloring certain groups of Hugo keywords.

Most Hugo syntax files (the settings that allow for the colorization of the code) are available at the IF Archive.

Linux and Mac

If you are new to programming (with no text editor preferences) or your favorite text editor does not have Hugo syntax support, Kate is a good option. You can find syntax files for it on the IF Archive.

Additionally, these emacs and Vim syntax files are not on the IF Archive.


(For other Windows applications, see the Windows Apps page.)

Since Hugo by Example’s creation, Notepad++ has really cemented its place as the best freeware text editor option for offline Hugo coding.

Among paid text editors, EditPlus has a page of tips and tricks for getting the most out of its features.

Again, syntax files can be found at the IF Archive.