Unique ids

I originally made a very quick routine to generate unique IDs for characters in my work in progress.

Roody improved it by eliminating the case statement, and just using ASCII values. His code is here:

constant UID_LIMIT 32
array TempUID[UID_LIMIT]
global testValue

routine createUID(arr)
local x, y

if not arr
    arr = TempUID

! This will be a 32-character id that each character gets.

    for (x =0; x<(array arr[] - 1); x++)
        select y
            case 1
                y = random(10)
                y = 58 - y
            case 2
                y = random(26)
                y = 91 - y
        array arr[x] = y

    array arr[x] = 0

    "Printing the array we created: ";
    StringPrint(array arr)
    "The size of the string we created is ";
    testValue = StringLength(array arr)
    print number testValue

As you can see, in my program, there’s half a chance that a digit will be a number and half a chance it’s a letter. I didn’t know if it was supposed to be skewed to one or the other.

Anyhow, it turned out, the ASCII value itself does the job just fine.