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There are multiple “schools of thought” when it comes to reading in IF. Some authors feel that it is okay if >READ redirects to >EXAMINE; others feel it should get its own distinct response. In both cases, as far as the Hugo Standard Library is concerned, you’ll have to give the object that can be >READ the readable attribute.

One way to give a distinct answer to >READ would be to replace the verblib.g grammar with something that redirects to a DoRead routine that checks that the object is readable and looks for a writing property or something like that.

On the other hand, a much easier way to handle it (that’ll save you the trouble of replacing grammar or writing new routines or making new properties) is to just check what verb word the player used in our long_desc response:

object chainsaw "chainsaw"
    article "a"
    noun "chainsaw"
    is readable
        if (word[1] = "read", "peruse")
            "\"Black & Decker.\""
            "Scary looking thing."
    in bill

In the above example, >READ CHAINSAW and >EXAMINE CHAINSAW will get two different replies!