Informal Questions

Several Infocom games had moments where the player was asked a YES/NO question. Unlike the YesorNo method, though, the player had the option to ignore the question altogether and do anything else (all other normal commands were also accepted). This entry attempts to show how one could code such a system.

Back to the Egress

Let’s implement the “egress” from Ballyhoo. This one acts much more like the version in the original game:

! To be added to verb grammar
verb "yes","y"
    *                   DoYes
verb "no"
    *                   DoNo
! A global variable to hold any current question being asked, if applicable
global currentquestion

! Let's tweak PreParse so "n" means "no" when a question is being asked of the PC
! note: Ballyhoo did not actually do this
replace PreParse
    if currentquestion and word[1] = "n"
        word[1] = "no"

room whitewagon "Near White Wagon"
    !  Going "south" four times will also leave the circus
    s_to {
        if currentquestion = mystery
                    endflag = 3
        if currentquestion = mammal
        if currentquestion = egress
        if not currentquestion

! a question class so to help organize our questions
class Question

question egress
        "Are you sure you're mentally and otherwise prepared to meet up with an egress?"

question mammal
        "Then you're fully aware of the ferociousness of this rare mammalian species, right?"

question mystery
        "Alright, so you know all about egresses.
         But do you really want to leave the circus in all of its mystery
         and all of its pageantry behind?"

! A fuse so that each question is only answerable for one turn
fuse questionwindow

event questionwindow
    if not self.tick
        currentquestion = 0

! A routine that sets the current question, prints it out, and starts its timer (fuse)
routine NewQuestion(topic)
    currentquestion = topic
    run topic.long_desc
    Activate (questionwindow, 2)

! note that I decided to return false if there is no current question
! (meaning that the turn counter doesn't increase)
routine DoYes
    if not currentquestion
        return false
    select currentquestion
        case egress: NewQuestion(mammal)
        case mammal: "Then you'd be helpless against this dangerous beast."
        case mystery: endflag = 3
    return true

routine DoNo
    if not currentquestion
        "You sound rather negative."
        return false
    select currentquestion
        case egress: "Then you'd be helpless against this dangerous beast."
        case mammal: NewQuestion(mystery)
        case mystery: "That's the spirit."
    return true