Fuses and Daemons


Fuses and daemons are object-attached events that are moved in and out of scope (and therefore, starting or stopping them) with Activate and Deactivate routines. They are described here together mainly because most things done in one can also be done in the other (this author almost always uses fuses but knows at least one other author who always uses daemons).


The simpler of the two is daemons as they are nothing more than events that can be started and stopped.

daemon <name>

event in <name>  ! the "in" is optional
!  Event/daemon code

NOTE: In the source code for Kent Tessman’s Spur (available on the IF Archive), in a couple of places, the daemons’ in_scope properties are changed to a location in an attempt to limit them to one room. Assumedly, this code worked properly with the standard Hugo library or compiler back in 1999, but these daemons do not trigger properly with the current standard library or compiler. Luckily, there are plenty of other ways to limit events like that to a single room. Just be aware of this issue when compiling available Hugo code from that era.


Fuses are event objects with the addition of timer and tick properties.

fuse property description
timer the number of turns before the fuse event runs (can be set “by hand” or by Activate(<fuse name>, <timer turns>)
tick a routine that decrements timer by one and returns the number of turns remaining (i.e., the value of timer)
fuse <name>

event in <name> ! the "in" is optional
! any code that executes each turn the fuse is running
      if not self.tick
      ! code that executes when the fuse runs out

Vault of Hugo example

The bombfuse fuse object in “Vault of Hugo” does this:

      if not self.tick
        if Contains(location, bomb)     ! if in player's location
            (Right next to the bomb was not, as they say, such
            a great place to be as it went off.  You're dead now.)"

            endflag = 2     ! when endflag is non-false, it
                    ! immediately triggers the end of the
                    ! game
                ...  ! what happens if the player is NOT in the same room as the bomb


Both daemons and fuses are started and stopped by Activate and Deactivate, respectively.


Starting daemons


Starting fuses


Stopping either

The code for everything listed above

For reference, here is the code from hugolib.h that defines all of this:




#ifclear NO_FUSES

property timer alias n_to               ! for fuses only
property tick alias ne_to               !

property activate_event alias when_open
property deactivate_event alias when_closed

class fuse
    type fuse
    size 0
    timer 0
    in_scope 0
        if --self.timer < 0
            self.timer = 0

#ifset DEBUG
        if debug_flags & D_FUSES
            print "[Running fuse "; number self; ":  timer = ";
            print number self.timer; "]"

        if self.timer = 0
        return self.timer

class daemon
    type daemon
    size 0
    in_scope 0

routine Activate(a, set)                ! <set> is for fuses only
    local err

    a.in_scope = player
    a is active
    if a.type = fuse
        if set
            a.timer = set

        run a.activate_event
    elseif a.type = daemon
        if set and not a.#timer
            print "[WARNING:  Attempt to set nonexistent timer
                property on daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
            err = true
            a.timer = set

        run a.activate_event
        print "[WARNING:  Attempt to activate non-fuse/\
        daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
        err = true

#ifset DEBUG
    if debug_flags & D_FUSES and not err
        print "[Activating "; a.name; " "; number a;
        if a.type = fuse
            print " (timer = "; number a.timer; ")";
        print "]"


routine Deactivate(a)
    local err

    remove a
    a.in_scope = 0
    a is not active

    if a.type ~= fuse and a.type ~= daemon
        print "[WARNING:  Attempt to deactivate non-fuse/\
            daemon (object "; number a; ")]"
        err = true
        run a.deactivate_event

#ifset DEBUG
    if debug_flags & D_FUSES and not err
        print "[Deactivating "; a.name; " "; number a; "]"


#endif  ! ifclear NO_FUSES
