String Manipulation

Here are a couple unofficial routines for manipulating string arrays.


Here is a routine that’ll make every letter lowercase (especially useful if you are making words suitable for noun properties and the like):

routine Lowercase(stringarray)
    local len, i
    len = StringLength(array stringarray)
    for (i=0; i<len; i=i+1) ! the actual case-conversion loop
        if array stringarray[i] >= 'A' and array stringarray[i] <= 'Z'
            array stringarray[i] = array stringarray[i] + ('a'-'A')


This routine capitalizes the first letter of every word in a multi-word string. This is useful for strings are full character names and the like.

routine CapitalizeEveryFirstLetter(stringarray)
    local len, i, new
    len = StringLength(array stringarray)
    for (i=0; i<len; i=i+1) ! the actual case-conversion loop
        if new or i=0
            if array stringarray[i] >= 'a' and array stringarray[i] <= 'z'
                array stringarray[i] = array stringarray[i] - ('a'-'A')
            new = 0
        elseif array stringarray[i] >= 'A' and array stringarray[i] <= 'Z'
            array stringarray[i] = array stringarray[i] + ('a'-'A')

        if array stringarray[i] = ' '          ! a space
            new = 1


Here is a routine for quickly tagging on one string routine to another. Put a value in the add_space parameter if you’d like to throw a space between them.

routine StringAddTo(original_array, addition_array, add_space)
    local f
    for (f=0;f< array original_array[] ; f++ )
        if (array original_array[f] = 0)

    text to (array original_array + f)
    if (add_space)
        print " ";
    StringPrint(array addition_array)
    text to 0