
For the most part, the dictionary table is set in stone after compiling. Sometimes, we want to reserve some space for new dictionary entries like when there are objects that can be named in-game (like in Beyond Zork). To add new dictionary words to the game, one needs to use the dict function.

Games That Use This

  • The DoName routine in The Vault of Hugo uses dict to allow players to name an “unnamed object.”
  • Future Boy! uses it to write dictionary entries to be used with the addcontext function (which only accepts dictionary entries).
calling form WHAT IT ALL MEANS
x = dict(<array>, <maxlen>)
x = dict(<array>, <maxlen>)
<array> or <parse> is the string being written to the dictionary table
<maxlen> is the maximum number of digits we’ll take from the string
x will be set to the address of the new dictionary entry