Changing Player Characters

While writing some kinds of games, instead of writing one player_character object that is a mess of conditional statements, it’ll be more convenient to create several player_character objects that the game switches between.

Before we start writing multiple player_character examples, let’s look at how player_character is defined in objlib.h.

player_character class definition

character player_character
    ! 'nouns' and 'pronouns' as defined below are the defaults
    ! for second-person, i.e., when player_person is 2--'name'
    ! should be "you"
    nouns "me", "myself"
    pronouns "you", "you", "your", "yourself"

        print "Looking good."

    capacity 100
    is hidden
    is plural       ! because player_person defaults to 2

sample player_character objects

player_character human "you"
    long_desc {
            "You are a human!"

player_character werewolf "you"
    long_desc {
            "You are a werewolf! Rar! You have fangs and claws and stuff!"

component fangs "fangs"
        noun "fangs"
        long_desc {
        part_of werewolf

component claws "claws"
        noun "claws"
        long_desc {
        part_of werewolf

component stuff "stuff"
        noun "stuff"
        long_desc {
        part_of werewolf

Notice how player_character objects don’t have nouns or pronouns, as that will overwrite the class nouns or pronouns (breaking “EXAMINE ME”).

The transformation

In the above example, the code for changing into the werewolf might look like this:

move werewolf to location
player = werewolf
remove human

Of course, your code will also need to address inventory concerns. In the above example, if the player drops everything he isn’t wearing, the code might look like this:

    for i in human
        if i is not worn
                move i to location
                move i to werewolf

Changing players *and* locations

In a game where we switch to a player character in another location, we have to let the game know the location global has changed, lest there be trouble.

Let’s imagine a game like Suspended where you can switch between *TWO* robots:

routine DoChange
    if player = robot1
        player = robot2
        player = robot1
    location = parent(player)
        old_location = location
        location is visited