
In most games, when you type VERSION, you get the same title, author, and release info one often gets at the beginning of the game. These routines are generic adaptions of version.hug from the Future Boy Selected Source files for quick inclusion into games. Calling Version will result in this:

Annoyotron X: Annoyotron Takes Manhatten
Copyright (c) 2011 by Some Guy
Release 1.0 / Hugo v3.1 / Library 31031
Serial Number: 092211

To use, define the following constants in your game:

constant TITLE "Annoyotron X: Annoyotron Takes Manhatten"
constant TITLECOLOR LIGHT_RED ! has to be a number value if defined before "hugolib.h" is included
constant AUTHOR "Some Guy"
constant RELEASE "1.0"  ! Game release number
constant EMAIL ""
constant WEBSITE ""

Now copy the routines themselves:

routine GameTitle
    color TITLECOLOR
    print TITLE;
    color TEXTCOLOR

routine DoVersion
    print GameTitle
    string(_temp_string, serial$, 8)
    print "Copyright (c) 20";
    StringPrint(_temp_string, 6, 8)
    " by ";
    print AUTHOR
    print "Release "; RELEASE; " / ";
    print BANNER
#ifclear BETA                                 ! This routine makes serial numbers
    print "Serial Number: ";              ! without slashes,
    StringPrint(_temp_string, 0, 2)       ! in MODYYR format.
    StringPrint(_temp_string, 3, 5)
    StringPrint(_temp_string, 6, 8)
    print ""
#ifset BETA
    " \BBETA BUILD # 20";
    StringPrint(_temp_string, 6, 8)       ! if a BETA flag is set,
    StringPrint(_temp_string, 0, 2)       ! a build # in YEARMODY
    StringPrint(_temp_string, 3, 5)       ! format is printed.
    " \B(demo version)\b";
    print " ";  ! newline

#ifset BETA
    color TITLECOLOR
    color TEXTCOLOR
    "  This beta release is intended for testing only, not for
    distribution to the general public.  Please report any errors,
    bugs, etc. to \I<";
    print EMAIL;">\i."
    "\nHI, TESTERS:  Please type \B>SCRIPT ON\b and send in your transcripts."
    "\n(Like this demo?  Visit \B";
    print WEBSITE; "\b for the full version.)"
#ifset HUGOFIX
    "\n\I(Compiled with the HugoFix Debugging Suite)\i"

Other VERSION versions

There isn’t any way set in stone on how to display your title and release information. Of course, it is expected that you mention Hugo and the library version prominently somewhere in appreciation to the language that Kent Tessman has written for us, but you could conceivably move that information away from the game title, maintaining one of these “older” styles.

In each case, we’ll share some example version code and list some Hugo code for emulating it, incorporating the constants from above.


An Interactive Horror
Copyright (c) 1987 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
THE LURKING HORROR is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Release 221 / Serial number 870918

string(_temp_string, serial$, 10) ! write the serial to a string, to change to Infocom format
print TITLE
"An Interactive ..."
"Copyright (c) 20";
StringPrint(_temp_string, 6, 8) ! the year
print " by "; AUTHOR ; ". All rights reserved."
! Since no one will actually get trademarks, we will skip this line.
print "Release "; VERSION ; " / Serial number ";
StringPrint(_temp_string, 6, 8)
StringPrint(_temp_string, 0, 2)
StringPrint(_temp_string, 3, 5)
print newline

Magnetic Scrolls

Jinxter - Copyright (c) 1987 Magnetic Scrolls Ltd.
Version 1.05

Fish! Version 1.07, Copyright (c) Magnetic Scrolls Ltd 1988.

string(_temp_string, serial$, 10)

! Jinxter version
print TITLE ; " - Copyright (c) 20";
StringPrint(_temp_string, 6, 8) ! the year
print " "; AUTHOR ; "."
print "Version "; RELEASE

! Fish! version
print TITLE ; " Version "; RELEASE; ", Copyright (c) "; AUTHOR ; " 20";
StringPrint(_temp_string, 6, 8) ! the year

Other games

Interactive Fiction
Copyright (c) 2006. Written and programmed by Robb Sherwin
Release 1.02 / Serial number 060426 / Hugo 3.1

string(_temp_string, serial$, 10)
print TITLE
"Interactive Fiction"
"Copyright (c) 20";
StringPrint(_temp_string, 6, 8) ! the year
print ". Written and programmed by "; AUTHOR
print "Release "; RELEASE ; " / Serial number "; serial$ ; " / ";
print BANNER ! it's not exactly the banner, but close enough