
SpecialDesc(obj) is called by WhatsIn and ListObjects. It checks if objects have special initial_desc or inv_desc property routines that preclude them from normal object listing in room descriptions and inventories (those routines then proceed to list everything else).

The original code

! SpecialDesc(object)
! checks the children of <object> and runs any applicable preliminary
! descriptions; returns the total number of remaining (i.e. non-listed)
! objects in the list_count global variable

routine SpecialDesc(obj)
    local a, c, flag, printed_blankline

    if FORMAT & LIST_F

    list_count = 0
    for a in obj
        if a is not hidden
            flag = true
            flag = false

        if FORMAT & INVENTORY_F and obj = player and flag
            if &a.inv_desc
            if a.inv_desc
                if FORMAT & LIST_F:  print newline

        elseif a is not moved and flag
            if &a.initial_desc
                print newline
                override_indent = false
                if FORMAT & INVENTORY_F and FORMAT & NOINDENT_F and not printed_blankline
                    print ""
                printed_blankline = true
            if a.initial_desc
    list_count = c - list_count

routine AddSpecialDesc(a)
    a is already_listed
    a is known

As you can see, in applicable cases, an object’s initial_desc or inv_desc property is executed if present, and then AddSpecialDesc is called, which gives the object the already_listed global so it is not listed again with the rest of the inventory/container listing/whatever.

See Also

Check out the SpecialDesc replacements page for more info.