
ShortDescribe is the hugolib.h routine (called by DescribePlace) that checks if an object has an initial_desc, when_open, when_closed, or short_desc property that should be used. If so, it prints it. If not, it returns false, and DescribePlace will go on to put the object in the regular room listing.

See also: Replace ShortDescribe

The code

! ShortDescribe(object)
! prints the initial description of <object> if not moved (if it has one),
! or the when_open or when_closed message, if applicable, or the short
! description if moved (if it has one).

routine ShortDescribe(obj)
    obj is known

    if list_nest = 1
        print newline


    if obj is not moved and &obj.initial_desc
        run obj.initial_desc
        jump CheckContents

    if obj is openable
        if obj is open
            if &obj.when_open
                run obj.when_open
                jump CheckContents
        elseif &obj.when_closed
            run obj.when_closed
            jump CheckContents

    if &obj.short_desc

    if not obj.short_desc


    obj is already_listed

    list_count = 0
    if children(obj) > 0 and (obj is not container or
        (obj is container and obj is not openable) or
        (obj is container and obj is openable and
            (obj is open or obj is transparent))) and
        obj is not quiet
        list_nest = 1

    ! If INDENT_SIZE is 0, formatting may be thrown off when listing
    ! the contents of an object:
    if INDENT_SIZE = 0:  need_newline = true

    if need_newline:  print newline