
Perform argument description example
<verbroutine> the verb routine to perform &DoPutOn
<object> the object to peform the action on, if applicable apple
<xobject> the indirect object, if applicable table
<queue> the queue parameter is set by the library when processing multiple objects 0
<isxverb> true when the action being called is a result of an xverb grammar line 0

The code

! Perform(&action, object, xobject)
! calls the verbroutine given by <action>, with globals object and xobject
! as given; returns value returned by <action> (or <object>.before)
! NOTE:  Ensure that the <action> is an address (preceded by &), not a
! standard routine call.
! (The <queue> argument is used by the library when calling Perform
! for each object in a set of multiple objects.)
! (<isxverb> is true when the action being called is as a result of
! an xverb grammar line.)

routine Perform(action, obj, xobj, queue, isxverb)
    local r
    local objtemp, xobjtemp, verbtemp, actortemp
#ifclear NO_XVERBS
    local restoring
    if verbroutine = &DoRestore:  restoring = true

#ifset DEBUG
    if debug_flags & D_PARSE
        print "\B[Perform("; number action; ", ";;
        if (debug_flags & D_OBJNUM) or queue = -1
            print " ["; number obj; "]";
        print ", ";;
        if (debug_flags & D_OBJNUM) or queue = -1
            print " ["; number xobj; "]";
        if queue
            print ", "; number queue;
        print ")]\b"

    if queue
        parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] |= PERFORM_QUEUE

    if not queue and object
        parser_data[LAST_SINGLE_OBJECT] = object
        parser_data[LAST_SINGLE_OBJECT] = 0

    parser_data[VERB_IS_XVERB] = isxverb

    objtemp = object
    xobjtemp = xobject
    verbtemp = verbroutine
    actortemp = actor

    object = obj
    xobject = xobj
    verbroutine = action
    actor = player

    local number_pronouns = 0
    if object = it_object:      object = it_obj
    elseif object = him_object: object = him_obj
    elseif object = her_object: object = her_obj
    elseif object = them_object:    object = them_obj
    if object ~= obj
        replace_pronoun[number_pronouns] = object
    if xobject = it_object:     xobject = it_obj
    elseif xobject = him_object:    xobject = him_obj
    elseif xobject = her_object:    xobject = her_obj
    elseif xobject = them_object:   xobject = them_obj
    if xobject ~= xobj
        replace_pronoun[number_pronouns] = xobject
    if number_pronouns
        parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] |= PRONOUNS_SET

#ifclear NO_OBJLIB

    ! Itemize each object in a list of multiple objects
    if queue > 0 and object > display
        ! Check if an ImplicitTakeForDrop was just done, meaning we
        ! need a newline before printing the next "object:"
        if checkheld is workflag
            print ""
        checkheld is not workflag
        print; ":  ";

    r = BeforeRoutines(queue)
    if r:  jump DonePerform

    r = call action                 ! object.after and xobject.after
                    ! run by verbroutine
#ifclear NO_XVERBS
    if restoring
        verbroutine = &DoRestore
    if r



    last_object = object

    verbroutine = verbtemp
    object = objtemp
    xobject = xobjtemp
    actor = actortemp

    if queue = -1
        last_object = -1

    return r