
calling form description
ExcludeFromAll(object) Returns true if, based on the current circumstances (verbroutine, etc.), the supplied object should be excluded from actions using “all”—such as multi, multiheld, and multinotheld grammar tokens.

The Code

! ExcludeFromAll(obj)
! If global decision rules are desired for "all" actions, replace
! ExcludeFromAll, returning true if <obj> is to be excluded.  Return 2 to
! force the INCLUSION of <obj>.

routine ExcludeFromAll(obj)
    if obj is hidden
        return true
    return false

Replacement Example

Future Boy! replaces ExcludeFromAll with some added code to handle objects carried by NPCs:

replace ExcludeFromAll(obj)
    if obj is hidden
        return true

! Exclude things NPCs are carrying unless the NPC is explicitly
! given as the parent
if parent(obj) is living
    if IsPossibleXobject(parent(obj)) or parent(obj) = player
        return false
    return true

    return false