
CanGoDir is an exit-checking routine. One would use it if he wants to check if the player is heading in a successful direction and wants to run some code or print something before the game executes DoGo.

In its current incarnation, it’ll return true if the player heads in a direction that returns a location or enters an open or unlocked door (or even just something with a door_to property).

It will not return true if the player is just getting out of a platform (like a chair) or container, but you can modify it to fit your needs.

The code

routine CanGoDir
    if object.type ~= direction and object is not enterable and object.type ~= door
        return false
    if object is openable ! in case the object is a door
        if object is open or object is not locked
            return true
            return false
        local m
        if object.type = direction
            m = location.(object.dir_to)
            m = object.door_to
        if m > 1    ! since a message always returns 1
            return true
            return false

Usage Example

object banana "banana peel"
    article "the"
    adjective "banana"
    noun "peel"
    in eastroom
        if verbroutine = &DoGo and CanGoDir and banana in location
            "You head off in that direction but slip on the banana peel. Whoops!"
            return true
            return false

Now, our player will only slip if he or she was heading in a successful direction! Slapstick!

Final Notes

As is, it should work fine with doors that use the door class. Otherwise, if you give door_to properties to other openable objects and only want them enterable when they are open, you’ll have to do something like this:

object portal "portal"
noun "portal"
door_to otherdimension
before {
    object DoGo,DoEnter
        if self is not open
            "The portal is closed."
            return true
        return false
    is openable