
Occasionally, you’ll write a routine that uses other routines as its arguments. Take, for instance, the SortArray routine from Sort.h uses other routines to provide the “rules” for how an array should be sorted:

routine SortArray(data, num, comp_routine)
    local i
    local did_swap

    for (i = 0; i < num; i = i + 1)
        local j
        did_swap = false
        for (j = num - 1; j > i; j = j - 1)
            local swap
            swap = call comp_routine(array data[j-1], array data[j])
            if swap
                local tmp
                tmp = array data[j]
                array data[j] = array data[j-1]
                array data[j-1] = tmp
                did_swap = true
        ! if we didn't swap any elements, then the array is sorted
        if not did_swap : return

comp_routine, in the above, is the sorting routine, and we have to execute it to determine whether or not we need to swap. To execute it by its argument name, we have to preface it with “call” (just like an array routine argument has to be prefaced with “array”).

As implied by the Hugo Book description, call would also be necessary if the applicable routine address was in the form of a global variable or object property.