Replace PreParse

As the PreParse page shows, PreParse can be used for a bunch of purposes.

Redrawing the screen

This version of PreParse was written to accompany the more-elaborate version of PrintStatusLine on the Replace PrintStatusLine page.

replace PreParse
    ! if the screen size has changed, we'll clear the screen,
    ! print the player's command, and redraw the status line before
    ! proceeding to interpret the command

    if display.needs_repaint
        ! some text so transcripts aren't confusing when the player's
        ! input is listed twice
        "[Detected screen size change; starting turn over...]"
        print prompt;
        local i = 1, showfullstops
        while word[i] ~= ""
            print word[i];
            if word[++i] ~= ""
                print " ";
            elseif word[++i] ~= ""
                showfullstops = true
                print ". ";
            if word[i] = "" and showfullstops
                print ".";
        print ""
        display.needs_repaint = false