Replace ParseError

What it fixes

  1. Changes a couple responses involving non-gendered NPCs (like animals or creatures that will be referred to as “it”).
  2. Adds some parse$-printing code for HugoFix parser monitoring (see “replace DoHugoFix”).
  3. Has some code so some “You can’t [X] multiple objects like that.” messages sound better (like when the player uses an abbreviated command like >X for >EXAMINE.

The code

replace ParseError(errornumber, obj)
#ifset DEBUG
   if debug_flags & D_PARSE
      local w, p
      if (errornumber = 0,1,16,17)  ! cases where Parse hasn't been called
         for (w=1; w<=words and word[w]~=""; w++)
            print "[";
            if (word[w] ~= -1)
               print word[w];
               print "\Iparse$";
               if p
                  print number (p+1);"*";
            "] ";
         print newline
         if (p>1)
            "(* Not an \Iactual\i referable token.)"
      ! this section so we print parse$ only once
      if string(_temp_string,parse$) and
         not (parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] & 32)
         print "[parse$ = \""; parse$; "\"]"
         parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] |= 32
   local r
   r = NewParseError(errornumber, obj)
   if r
      parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] = PARSER_RESET
      return r

   if errornumber >= 100
      CustomError(errornumber, obj)
      word[1] = ""            ! force ParseError(0)
      words = 0
      customerror_flag = true
      parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] = PARSER_RESET
      return true
   if customerror_flag
      customerror_flag = 0    ! CustomError already printed error
      parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] = PARSER_RESET
      return true

   select errornumber

      case 1
         print CThe(player); \
            ! " can't use the word \""; \
            MatchPlural(player, "doesn't", "don't"); \
            " need to use the word \""; \
            parse$; ".\""

      case 3
         local a, b
          select word[1]
            case "x" : {
                        a = "examine"
                        if word[2] ~= "~all"
                           b = word[2]
            case "l","look"
                        if word[2] = "~all"
                           a = "look at"
                           a = "look"
                        if word[2] ~= "~all"
                           b = word[2]
            case "sit","lie","go","walk","watch"
                        a = word[1]
                        if word[2] ~= "~all"
                           b = word[2]
            case "get", "step"
                        a = word[1]
                        if word[2] ~= "~all"
                           if (word[2] = "outof")
                              b = "out of"
                           elseif word[2] = "offof"
                              b = "off of"
                              b = word[2]
            case else : a = parse$
         print CThe(actor); " can't "; a;
         if b
            print " "; b ;
            " multiple
            objects like that."

      case 5
         if VerbWord = "give", "offer", "hand", "show"
            print "Not sure what you're referring to--try \""; \
               VerbWord; " (something) \Ito\i (someone)\"."
            print CThe(player); \
               MatchPlural(player, "hasn't", "haven't");
               print " seen any";
               ! If we built an object phrase using
               ! OLD_STYLE_PRONOUNS, avoid printing a
               ! potential nonsense name:
               if parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] & PRONOUNS_SET
                  print "thing like that";
                  print " \""; parse$; "\"";
               print ", nor"; IsorAre(player, true); " "; The(player); \
               " likely to, even if such a thing exists."
            print CThe(player); \
               MatchPlural(player, "hasn't", "haven't");
               print " encountered any";
            if parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] & PRONOUNS_SET
               print "thing like that";
               print " \""; parse$; "\"";
            print ".";
            print "  (If you're sure you need to refer to that, try
               putting it another way.)"
      case 6
         print "That doesn't make any sense."

      case 9
         print "Nothing to ";
         if verbroutine
            print parse$; "."
         else:  print "do."

      case 10
         print CThe(player); \
         MatchPlural(player, "hasn't", "haven't");
         if &obj.long_desc
            " seen ";
            " encountered ";
         if obj is living and not (parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] & FINDOBJECT_NONLIVING) and obj.pronoun #2 ~= "it"
            print "anybody";
         else: print "anything";
         print " like that";
#ifset DEBUG
         if (debug_flags & D_OBJNUM)
            print " ; number obj; ?";
         print "."

      case 11
         if not ParseError_ObjectIsKnown(obj)
            ParseError(10, obj)
         elseif obj is living
            print CThe(obj); \
               MatchPlural(obj, "isn't", "aren't"); " here."
            print CThe(actor); \
               MatchPlural(actor, "doesn't", "don't"); \
               " see";
            if (obj.pronouns #2)
               print " "; obj.pronouns #2;
            elseif obj is plural
               " them";
            elseif obj is female
               " her";
               " him";
#ifset DEBUG
            if (debug_flags & D_OBJNUM)
               print " ["; number obj; "]";
            print "."
            if verbroutine = &DoDrop_CheckHeld, &DoPutIn_CheckHeld,
               ParseError(15, obj)
               print CThe(actor); \
                  MatchPlural(actor, "doesn't", "don't"); \
                  " see that"; ! MatchPlural(obj, "that", "those");
#ifset DEBUG
               if (debug_flags & D_OBJNUM)
                  print " ["; number obj; "]";
               print "."

      case 12
         if not ParseError_ObjectIsKnown(obj)
            ParseError(10, obj)
            print CThe(actor); \
               " can't do that with "; TheOrThat(obj) ; "."
      case 13
         print "You'll have to be a little more specific."

      case 14
         if not ParseError_ObjectIsKnown(obj)
            ParseError(10, obj)
         elseif xobject is living
            print CThe(xobject); \
               MatchPlural(xobject, "doesn't", "don't"); \
               " have "; TheOrThat(obj); "."
            print CThe(actor); \
               MatchPlural(actor, "doesn't", "don't"); \
               " see "; TheOrThat(obj); " there."

      case 15
         if not ParseError_ObjectIsKnown(obj)
            ParseError(10, obj)
         elseif obj = player
            ParseError(12, obj)
            print CThe(actor); IsorAre(actor); " not
               holding"; MatchPlural(obj, "that", "those"); "."

      case else
         parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] = PARSER_RESET
         return false            ! print the default message

   return true                             ! message already printed