Replace Parse

What it fixes

Currently, if HugoFix’s parser monitoring is on, Parse attempts to print parse$ each turn. Unfortunately, parse$ is not set until after grammar matching, so parse$ equals “” in most cases (the exception to this rule is commands where the string grammar token is used). This version removes that parse$-printing code (see also: replace ParseError).

This also removes the jump command so the jump labels don’t clash with the original routine.

The code

replace Parse
    local a
    local reparse
    local temp_verb, temp_obj, temp_xobj
    local JumpToEnd


    list_nest = 0
    event_flag = 0

    if nothing ~= 0                   ! best place to check this
        print "[WARNING:  Objects/classes defined before library]"

#ifset DEBUG
    if debug_flags & D_PARSE_RANK
        print "[parser_data[BEST_PARSE_RANK] = 0]"

    ! Only need to set up all attributes once, so that a given
    ! pronoun will satisfy any grammatical attribute requirements
    if it_object is not 127
        local i
        for (i=0; i<128; i++)
            it_object is i
            him_object is i
            her_object is i
            them_object is i

    if word[1] = "~oops"

    ! Allow the player object to override the parsing cycle completely
    temp_verb = verbroutine
    temp_obj = object
    temp_xobj = xobject
    verbroutine = &PreParse
    object = nothing
    xobject = nothing
    if player.before
        verbroutine = temp_verb
        object = temp_obj
        xobject = temp_xobj
        parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] = 0
        parser_data[LAST_PARSER_STATUS] = 0
        return false
    verbroutine = temp_verb
    object = temp_obj
    xobject = temp_xobj

! The following, devised by Jim Newland, checks to see if the player
! input refers to an unnecessary item of scenery (for example) which is
! nonetheless mentioned in the location description.

    for (a=2; a<=words and word[a]~="" and word[a]~="then"; a++)
        if Inlist(location, extra_scenery, word[a])
            Message(&Parse, 1)
            word[1] = ""            ! force ParseError(0)
            words = 0
            customerror_flag = true
            return true

    if PreParse:  reparse = true            ! easily replaceable routine

    ! Last player-specified object
    if object > 0 and object < objects and last_object ~= -1
    parser_data[LAST_PARSER_STATUS] = 0

    ! Must do this after AssignPronoun, and reset it to 0
    ! after both of Perform and ParseError:

    move it_object to parent(it_obj)
    move him_object to parent(him_obj)
    move her_object to parent(her_obj)
    move them_object to parent(them_obj)

    ! To repeat last command
    if (word[1] = "again" or word[1] = "g") and word[2] = ""
        for (a=1; a<=oldword[0]; a++)
            word[a] = oldword[a]
        words = oldword[0]
        reparse = true
        JumpToEnd = true
    if  not JumpToEnd

        local count
        local n, number_pronouns

        for (count=2; count<=words and word[count]~=""; count++)
            select word[count]

                ! Rename pronouns to appropriate objects
                case "it", "them", "him", "her"
                    select word[count]
                        case "it":      a = it_obj
                        case "them":    a = them_obj
                        case "him":     a = him_obj
                        case "her":     a = her_obj

                    if a = nothing
                        ! " a little more specific"
                        words = 0
                        customerror_flag = true
                    ! Avoid, e.g., "put it it something"
                    elseif word[count] ~= word[count+1]
                        ! For her_obj, we can run into trouble, since
                        ! it's both possessive and a pronoun, so only
                        ! replace "her" where it's the last word:
                        if a ~= her_obj or
                            (a = her_obj and (count = 2 or count = words))
                            n = SetObjWord(count, a)
                            replace_pronoun[number_pronouns] = a
                            if n > 1
                                count = count + (n - 1)
                            parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] |= PRONOUNS_SET
                            reparse = true

                ! Allow for "then..." and "and then..."
                case "then"
                    ! end of this command
                    word[count] = "."
                    if word[count-1] = "~and"
                    reparse = true

        if number_pronouns = 2 and replace_pronoun[0] = replace_pronoun[1]

        if number_pronouns > 0

    ! Reword imperatives given as "Tell Bob to do something" as "Bob, do
    ! something" so that the engine automatically reroutes them to SpeakTo

        if word[1] = "tell", "order", "instruct", "ask", "command"
            for (a=1; a<=words and word[a]~=""; a++)
                if word[a] = "to"
                    !DeleteWord(a)   ! "to"
                    word[a] = "~and"
                    DeleteWord(1)   ! "tell", "order", etc.
                    reparse = true

        if ParsePluralObjects:  reparse = true


        ! Store current command for future reference
        local ow
        for (a=1; a<=words and a<MAX_WORDS; a++)
            if word[a] = "g", "again"
                if word[a+1] = ""
                oldword[++ow] = word[a]
        oldword[a] = ""
        oldword[0] = ow

    ! old "LeaveParse area

#ifset DEBUG
    if debug_flags & D_PARSE
        local w
        for (w=1; w<=words and word[w]~=""; w++)
            print "[";
            if (word[w] ~= -1)
                print word[w];
                print "\Iparse$\i";
            "] ";
        print newline
    return reparse