Replace MovePlayer

What it fixes

If not interrupted by a before routine, the original sets event_flag to true (1). This is annoying when you have already set event_flag to 2 and don’t want the player to be interrupted with a “Do you want to keep waiting?” message. This fixes that. It also gets rid of the jump command.

The code

replace MovePlayer(loc, silent, ignore)
   local v, obj, xobj, act, ret, LeavingMovePlayer

#ifclear NO_OBJLIB
   if loc.type = direction
      local l
      l = location.(loc.dir_to)
      if l > 1                ! since a message always returns 1
         loc = l

   if ObjectisAttached(player, location, loc)

   ! Check if there's a before routine for MovePlayer in the new
   ! location.  Note that the (potential) new location and the old
   ! location are stored in object and xobject, respectively.
   v = verbroutine
   obj = object
   xobj = xobject
   act = actor
   verbroutine = &MovePlayer
   object = loc
   xobject = location
   actor = player
   if not ignore
      while (true)
         ret = player.before
         if ret
            LeavingMovePlayer = true
         ret = location.before
         if ret
            LeavingMovePlayer = true
         ret = loc.before
         if ret
            LeavingMovePlayer = true
   if (not LeavingMovePlayer)
      move player to loc
      old_location = location
      if parent(loc) = 0              ! if it's likely a room object
         location = loc
      else                            ! if it's an enterable object
         location = parent(loc)  ! (noting that the object must be
                  ! in a room, not inside another
                  ! non-room object)

      MoveAllAttachables(player, old_location, location)


! LeavingMovePlayer area

   if not ret
      if not FindLight(location)
      elseif not silent
         if not event_flag
            event_flag = true
         location is visited

   ! Check if there's an after routine for MovePlayer in the new
   ! location:
      if not ignore
         ret = player.after
         if not ret
            ret = location.after
   verbroutine = v
   object = obj
   xobject = xobj
   actor = act

   return ret