Replace DoGo

What it fixes

  1. Makes the “You’ll have to get up…” message more platform and container specific.
  2. Has new vehicle-specific code to allow parent(player).before code with greater freedom for different directions that will exit. Requires this vehicle replacement to work.
  3. Also removes the jump.

The code

replace DoGo
    local moveto, JumpToEnd
#ifset NO_OBJLIB
    local wordnum, m

    if player not in location               ! sitting on or in an obj.
#ifclear NO_OBJLIB
        if (object ~= u_obj and parent(player) is platform) or
            (object ~= out_obj and parent(player) is container)
            VMessage(&DoGo, 3)      ! "You'll have to get up..."
            return false
        local b
        b = parent(player).before   ! i.e., a vehicle, etc.
        if b > 1 ! is b a direction?
            return Perform(&DoExit,parent(player))
        elseif b
            return false ! so the error message doesn't take up a turn
    elseif obstacle
#ifclear NO_OBJLIB
        VMessage(&DoGo, 1)      ! "X stops you from going..."
        return true

#ifclear NO_OBJLIB
    ! See if the object is one of the current direction set

    if object.type = direction and object in direction
        moveto = object
        JumpToEnd = true

if not JumpToEnd
#ifclear NO_OBJLIB
    if not moveto
    wordnum = 1                             ! various phrasings
    if words > 1 and word[2] ~= ""
        wordnum = 2
    if word[2] = "to", "through"
        wordnum = 3
    elseif (word[2] = "in" or word[2] = "inside") and words > 2
        wordnum = 3

    select word[wordnum]
        case "north", "n":      m = n_to
        case "south", "s":      m = s_to
        case "east", "e":       m = e_to
        case "west", "w":       m = w_to
        case "northwest", "nw": m = nw_to
        case "northeast", "ne": m = ne_to
        case "southeast", "se": m = se_to
        case "southwest", "sw": m = sw_to
        case "up", "u":         m = u_to
        case "down", "d":       m = d_to
        case "in", "inside":    m = in_to
        case "out", "outside":  m = out_to

    if not m
        if not object
            ! ParseError(6)  ! doesn't make any sense
            VMessage(&DoGo, 4)  ! "Which way...?"

        if not &object.door_to
            if not object.door_to and object is enterable
                return Perform(&DoEnter, object)

        moveto = object.door_to
        if not moveto
            VMessage(&DoEnter, 2)  ! "You can't enter..."
        if moveto = 1
            return true
}  !  if not JumpToEnd bracket

#ifclear NO_OBJLIB
    if moveto.type = direction and moveto in direction
        if player not in location and object = out_obj
            if parent(player) is platform
                VMessage(&DoGo, 3)
                return false
                return Perform(&DoExit)
        elseif player not in location and object = u_obj
            if parent(player) is container
                VMessage(&DoGo, 3)
                return false
                return Perform(&DoExit, parent(player))


        if not object
            object = moveto
            if object.before
                return true
!       else:  object = moveto
        moveto = location.(moveto.dir_to)

        if &moveto.door_to or moveto.type = door
            moveto = moveto.door_to
    if m
        if player not in location and m = out_to
            if parent(player) is platform
                VMessage(&DoGo, 3)
                return false
                return Perform(&DoExit)
        elseif player not in location and m = u_to
            if parent(player) is container
                VMessage(&DoGo, 3)
                return false
                return Perform(&DoExit, parent(player))

        moveto = location.m
        if moveto.door_to
            moveto = moveto.door_to

    if moveto = false
        if not location.cant_go
            VMessage(&DoGo, 2)      ! "You can't go that way."
        return false

    elseif moveto = true                    ! already printed message
        return true                     ! (moveto is never 1)

    elseif player not in location           ! sitting on or in an obj.
        VMessage(&DoGo, 3)              ! "You'll have to get up..."
!\ Recursive call issues
        m = verbroutine                 ! check room exiting
        verbroutine = &DoExit
        if location.before
            return true
        verbroutine = m

        return true