Replace DescribePlace

What it fixes

  1. initial_desc properties are still run in SUPERBRIEF mode.
  2. In SUPERBRIEF mode, objects with short_desc properties are treated like they don’t have them.
  3. The DESCFORM_F FORMAT mask now adds a blank line between every grouping, not just the one between the room description and room contents.
  4. Setting an array determines order of object listing (see below).

How to use

  1. Set the DESCFORM_F FORMAT mask by adding the following line to init or somewhere: FORMAT = FORMAT | DESCFORM_F
  2. In init, set the values in the DescribePlaceOrder array if you want a non-default order. Like so: DescribePlaceOrder[0] = 1,2,4,5,6,3

    The “key” for the order is as follows:

    1. Contents of parent of player (if the player is in or on something)
    2. Characters with short_desc’s or initial_desc’s
    3. Characters without descriptions
    4. Objects with short_desc’s or initial_desc’s
    5. Objects without descriptions
    6. Attachments and contents of scenery objects


Descriptionless characters must be listed after characters with descriptions, and descriptionless objects must be listed after objects with descriptions.

The code

array DescribePlaceOrder[6]
attribute already_printed

replace Describeplace(place, long)
    local obj, count, notlisted, tempformat, charcount, order, didprint
    local need_carriage

    parser_data[PARSER_STATUS] &= ~PRONOUNS_SET

    ! Since, for example, a room description following entering via
    ! DoGo does not trigger before/after properties tied to looking
    ! around:
#ifclear NO_VERBS
    if verbroutine ~= &DoLookAround
        if place is not visited and verbosity ~= 1
            return Perform(&DoLookAround)
        elseif long = true or verbosity = 2
            return Perform(&DoLookAround)

    if not light_source
        Message(&DescribePlace, 1)     ! "It's too dark to see..."

    place is known

    ! Print the name of the location as a heading
    if not (FORMAT & DESCFORM_F)
        print "\n";

    print capital;

    ! Print ", in <something>" if necessary
    if location = place and player not in place
        if parent(player).prep
            print ", "; parent(player).prep; " ";
        elseif parent(player) is platform
            print ", "; ON_WORD; " ";
            print ", "; IN_WORD; " ";
        print Art(parent(player))
    print newline

    override_indent = false

    if place is not visited and verbosity ~= 1
        if &place.initial_desc or &place.long_desc
            didprint = true
        if not place.initial_desc
            run place.long_desc
    elseif long = true or verbosity = 2
        if &place.long_desc
            didprint = true
        run place.long_desc
    elseif place is not visited and verbosity = 1
        if &place.initial_desc
            didprint = true
        run place.initial_desc

    if &place.list_contents and (FORMAT & DESCFORM_F)
        print ""        ! for double-space-after-heading formatting

    ! A location may contain an overriding listing routine, as may any
    ! parent, in the list_contents property
    for obj in place
        obj is not already_printed

    if not place.list_contents
        list_nest = 0

    while order < (DescribePlaceOrder[])
        if not DescribePlaceOrder[order]
            DescribePlaceOrder[order] = order + 1
        select DescribePlaceOrder[order]
            case 1  ! contents of parent of player
                if player not in location
                    for obj in (Parent(player))
                        if obj is not hidden and obj ~= player
                            need_carriage = true

            case 2  ! characters with descs
                for obj in place
                    if (obj is not hidden and obj is living and
                         obj ~= player and ((&obj.short_desc and verbosity ~= 1) or
                        (obj is not moved and &obj.initial_desc)) and
                        obj is not already_printed )
                        need_carriage = true

            case 3   ! Characters without descs
                        for obj in place
                            if (obj is not hidden and obj is living and
                            obj ~= player and
                            (not &obj.short_desc or
                            (&obj.short_desc  and verbosity = 1)) and
                            obj is not already_printed)
                                need_carriage = true

            case 4  ! objects with descs
                for obj in place
                    ! Exclude all attachables for now (and characters)

                    if obj is not living and not obj.type = attachable and
                        player not in obj and obj is not hidden and
                        ((verbosity ~= 1 and &obj.short_desc) or
                        (&obj.initial_desc and verbosity = 1)) and
                        obj is not already_printed
                    if obj is not living and player not in obj and
                    obj is not hidden and
                    ((verbosity ~= 1 and &obj.short_desc) or
                        (&obj.initial_desc and verbosity = 1)) and
                        obj is not already_printed
                        need_carriage = true

            case 5  ! objects without descs
                for obj in place
                    ! Exclude all attachables for now (and characters)

                    if obj is not living and not obj.type = attachable and
                        player not in obj and obj is not hidden and
                        obj is not already_printed and
                        (not &obj.short_desc or (&obj.short_desc and verbosity = 1))
                    if obj is not living and player not in obj and
                    obj is not hidden and obj is not already_printed and
                    (not &obj.short_desc or (&obj.short_desc and verbosity = 1))
                        need_carriage = true

            case 6  ! attachables and scenery objects
                for obj in place
                    ! Print attachables last
                    if obj.type = attachable and obj is not hidden
                        need_carriage = true
                for obj in place
                    if obj.type = scenery
                        if player not in obj and
                            (obj is open or obj is not openable)
                            local a
                            for a in obj
                                if a is not hidden
                                    need_carriage = true

        if (FORMAT & DESCFORM_F)
            if need_carriage and didprint
            need_carriage = false

        select DescribePlaceOrder[order]
            case 1 ! Contents of Parent
                ! List contents of chair, vehicle, etc. player is in
                if player not in location
                    list_nest = 1
                    if WhatsIn(Parent(player))
                        didprint = true
            case 2 ! List Characters with Descriptions
                ! List all characters, if any
                count = 0
                for obj in place
                    if obj is hidden or obj is not living or
                        player in obj
                        obj is already_listed
                        obj is not already_listed
                for obj in place
                    if obj is not already_listed
                        print newline
                        if verbosity ~= 1 or (obj is not moved and &obj.initial_desc)
                        if obj is not already_listed
                            didprint = true
                            obj is already_printed
!               list_count = charcount

            case 3   ! characters without short_desc's
                count = 0

                if charcount ! list_count      ! if characters are to be listed
                    for obj in place
                        if obj is hidden or obj is not living or
                            player in obj or (&obj.short_desc and verbosity ~= 1) or
                            obj is already_printed
                            obj is already_listed
                            obj is not already_listed
                    list_count = charcount
                    tempformat = FORMAT
                    FORMAT = FORMAT | USECHARNAMES_F
                    if (FORMAT & LIST_F)
                        FORMAT = FORMAT & ~LIST_F       ! clear it
                        FORMAT = FORMAT | TEMPLIST_F
                    list_nest = 0
                    FORMAT = tempformat
                    didprint = true
            case 4 ! List Objects with Descs
                for obj in place
                count = 0
                    ! Exclude all attachables for now (and characters)

                    if obj is living or obj.type = attachable or
                        player in obj or obj is already_printed
                    if obj is living or player in obj or obj is already_printed
                        obj is already_listed
                        obj is not already_listed

                for obj in place
                    ! ...And don't list identical objects yet, either

                    if (obj.identical_to).type = identical_class
                        if obj is not hidden
                    elseif player not in obj
                    if player not in obj
                        if obj is not already_listed and
                            obj is not hidden
                            if verbosity ~= 1 or (verbosity = 1 and
                            (obj is not moved and &obj.initial_desc))
                            if obj is not already_listed
                                didprint = true
                                obj is already_printed
            case 5 ! List Other Objects
                for obj in place
                count = 0
                    ! Exclude all attachables for now (and characters)

                    if obj is living or obj.type = attachable or
                        player in obj or (&obj.short_desc and verbosity ~= 1) or
                        obj is already_printed
                    if obj is living or player in obj or (&obj.short_desc and verbosity ~= 1) or obj is already_printed
                        obj is already_listed
                        obj is not already_listed

                if notlisted or count
                    list_count = notlisted + count
                    tempformat = FORMAT
                    if FORMAT & LIST_F
                        FORMAT = FORMAT & ~LIST_F       ! clear it
                        FORMAT = FORMAT | TEMPLIST_F
                    list_nest = 0
                    FORMAT = tempformat
                    didprint = true
            case 6 ! List Attachables and Scenery
#ifclear NO_OBJLIB
                for obj in place
                    ! Print attachables last
                    if obj.type = attachable and obj is not hidden
                        if obj is not already_listed
                            Message(&DescribePlace, 2, obj)
                            didprint = true
                print newline
                override_indent = false

                ! Finally, list contents of scenery objects (unless we've
                ! already done so as the parent of the player)
                for obj in place
                    if obj.type = scenery
                        obj is known
                        if player not in obj and
                            (obj is open or obj is not openable)
                            list_nest = 1

                    ! For scenery-derived objects that may change the type
                    elseif obj is static, hidden
                        obj is known
#endif  ! ifclear NO_OBJLIB


        print newline
        need_newline = false
