Replace CheckReach

What it fixes

The original CheckReach can be fooled by some instances of components. This version checks than an object is not a part of something within reach before returning false.

The code

replace CheckReach(obj)
    local i,p

    if not obj or obj = parent(player)
        return true

#ifclear NO_VERBS
    if (verbroutine ~= &DoLook, &DoLookIn) and parent(object) and
        parent(object) ~= player and
        parent(object) is transparent and parent(object) is not open and
        parent(object) is not living
        VMessage(&DoGet, 5)     ! "X is closed."
        return false

    if not parent(player).reach or
       Contains(parent(player), obj)
        return true

    p = obj.part_of
    while p
    if Contains(parent(player), p)
        return true
    p = p.part_of

#ifclear NO_VERBS
    if parent(obj) is living
        if verbroutine ~= &DoGet, &DoLook

            ! "Except that X has it..."
            Message(&CheckReach, 1, obj)

        elseif verbroutine = &DoGet and parent(obj) is unfriendly

            ! "Except that X doesn't want to give it to you..."
            Message(&CheckReach, 2, obj)

    for (i=1; i<=parent(player).#reach; i++)
     if Contains(parent(player).reach #i, obj) or   ! is the object inside a reach object
          obj = parent(player).reach #i ! is the object a reach object
            return true

    p = obj.part_of
    while p
    for (i=1; i<=parent(player).#reach; i++)
     if Contains(parent(player).reach #i, p) or ! is the object part of an object inside the reach object
          p = parent(player).reach #i ! is the object part of a reach object
            return true
    p = p.part_of

    if parent(player).type = attachable
        if InList(parent(player), attached_to, obj)
            return true
    if obj.type = attachable
        if InList(obj, attached_to, parent(player))
            return true

    ! "You can't reach it..."
    Message(&CheckReach, 3, obj)