
react_after is a property available for an object and is defined by the standard library.


Unsurprisingly, react_after is to react_before what after is to before. To be honest, it’s a seldom used property (judging by the Hugo game sources on the IF Archive). Let’s throw together an example anyways.

Let’s have a game where the PC enters a room where NPC Bob is. We want the room to be described normally, but then we want Bob to notice the player and give him a party hat. Hooray!

room STARTLOCATION "Start Location"
    e_to testroom

room testroom "Test Room"

character bob "Bob"
    noun "bob"
    in testroom
        if actor = player and verbroutine = &DoGo and location is not special
            "Bob notices you. \"Fantastic! You're here for the party!\""
            "He gives you the party hat."
            move partyhat to player
            testroom is special
        return false

object partyhat "party hat"
    article "a"
    adjective "party"
    noun "hat"
    in bob

Since the location changes mid-DoGo, Bob’s react_after is still executed before the turn is over but after DescribePlace has been called (FOOTNOTE 1). This results in:

>e Test Room Bob is here. Bob has a party hat. Bob notices you. "Fantastic! You're here for the party!" He gives you the party hat.

So yeah, that’s one way to use react_after.

FOOTNOTE 1 - This example also could have been accomplished with some “after {location DoGo” code.

found_in objects

Since found_in objects are not in the player’s location according to the object tree, a react_after property for an object like that would not be executed. Luckily, events for found_in objects are run so you can accomplish the same thing that way.