
preposition is an object property for containers and platforms. Usually, the preposition property is called if the object is enterable (such as the case with vehicles), but WhatsIn also checks for it, so it can also affect regular containers and platforms (and even characters), too.

Things to keep in mind

  • In DescribePlace, it helps connote the player’s relation to the object. So, an enterable “water” object with preposition “under” in a location called “The Ocean” would result in “The Ocean, under the water”.
  • Leaving vehicles and enterable objects actually checks for a second preposition element, used in statements like:
         print CThe(player); " will have to get ";
         if parent(player).prep #2
            print parent(player).prep #2; " ";
            print "out ";
         print "of "; The(parent(player)); " first."
  • In the case of non-enterable objects that have contents listed in room descriptions or such, a defined preposition property can replace the following:
         if a.prep
            print capital a.prep; " ";
         elseif a is platform
            print "Sitting on ";
            print "Inside ";

In the case of characters, it can replace this:

            print capital a.pronoun;
         if list_count < b
            print " also";
         print MatchPlural(a, "has", "have");