
noun and adjective are two important object properties. Without them, a player isn’t able to refer to a game object at all, as they specify what the parser is matching against in any given input.

object ramp_object "ramp"
   noun "ramp"
   article "the"
   in arena

Things to keep in mind:

  1. As everything the player enters is understood as lowercase, nouns and adjectives should always be entered as lowercase letters (even for names of characters and such).
  2. When the player’s command matches both one object’s noun property and another object’s adjective property (like, “EXAMINE GREEN” in a room with both a green bag and a golf green), the noun-object will be chosen.
  3. If two objects in scope have the same noun, parse_rank values comes into effect.
  4. Only the first six characters of a noun and adjective are matched against.