
The window.h header file defines a basic window class to make using windows in your game a little bit easier.

Using the library, you need to #include “window.h” after you’ve included hugolib.h

After including the file, you can define a window class thusly:

window_class sample_window "sample"
  win_left     1  ! leftmost column
  win_top      1  ! topmost row
  win_right    20 !rightmost column
  win_bottom   5  ! bottommost row

  win_textcolor  WHITE    ! text color for any output
  win_backcolor  BLACK    ! background color
  win_titlecolor LIGHT_RED !text color for the title
  win_titleback  YELLOW   ! title background color

The window class also defines the following routines

Routine What it does
win_init Initializes the window (sets its size, text-colors, title, etc, based on the class definition
win_clear Clears the window (based on win_textcolor and win_backcolor
win_end Deactivate the window (returns output to the “main” window) and returns the text and background colors to the previously defined colors.

See the article window for sample code that shows the class in use.