
hugolib.h is the master file for the Hugo Standard Library. It will automatically #include the other files as needed.

This file defines the common properties and attributes used in Hugo games. It also defines several global variables constants used by routines in the library files.

It also defines several of the base objects used by the library.

There are also several routines such as:

Routine Summary of what it does
EndGame(end_type) This routine is called by the Hugo game engine when the endflag is set to a non-zero value. It calls the PrintEndGame() routine then offers the player the choice to restart/restore the game, or undo the last move.
PrintEndGame(end_type) This is the routine that actually prints the “you have won” or the “you have died” message at the end of a game. It is usually replaced by the game author to make it fit in more with the tone of the game.
Parse The library Parse routine twiddles the player’s input, replacing pronouns, removing unnecessary words and whatnot before passing the information to the engine’s parser.
PreParse This routine is normally empty and is meant to be replaced by the author so he (or she) can twiddle the input before it is handled by the Parse routine.
ParseError(errornumber, obj) This routine is called to print an error message if there is a problem with the player’s input. If the variable errornumber is equal or greater than 100, it makes the engine call the CustomError routine.
NewParseError(errornumber, obj) A blank routine that is there to be replaced by the game author to print out a custom error message for library parsing.
CustomError(errornumber, obj) A blank routine that is there to be replaced by the game author to print out a custom error message for library parsing.
SpeakTo(char) SpeakTo is called by the engine when a command is addressed to a character. (ie. Roody, read the newspaper.
PutInScope(obj, act) Places the obj into the actor’s scope.
RemoveFromScope(obj, act) Like the PutInScope routine, but takes said object out of scope.
PrintStatusLine Called by the engine to print the status line across the top of the screen. If you need to change how/what the status line shows, you need to replace this routine with one of your own.
IsorAre(obj, a) Used to choose the correct verb based on whether or not the object is plural or singular.
MovePlayer(loc, silent, ignore) Routine to move the Player character to a specific location.
Acquire(newparent, newchild) Used to move newchild to newparent, returns true if successful. (It may be unsuccessful if the newparent can’t contain any more objects.)

And many others.

hugolib.h also defines last_library_object if SET_DEGUG is on.