
The jump command is the “GOTO” of the Hugo language. Since Hugo doesn’t use line numbers, jump works off of labels. These labels are denoted with a colon symbol (“:”).

A nonsensical jump example

print "Marty McGnat sez,\"Doc, I need to get back to 198\I3\i.\""
jump 1983Label
print "Marty McGnat sez,\"Oh no, I'm stuck in 195\I3\i!\""
print "Marty McGnat sez,\"Yay, I'm back home!\""

Why jumps can be no fun

There technically isn’t any reason to avoid using jump , and it can be a nice shortcut when you don’t want to use giant if-then blocks or plan out a while loop. Still, when you replace a routine that has jumps in it, the jumps are not replaced, so you’ll have to rename all of the jumps and labels. Because of this alone, you may want to avoid jumps if you think the routine might be replaced at some point.