
AnyVerb is a hugolib.h routine that allows for trapping for any verb in a location without also affecting xverbs (Save, Restore, etc.).

Why it’s needed

Imagine trying to code one of the dark rooms from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. One might have something like this (ok, no, they wouldn’t):

room dark_room "Darkness"
      "You can see nothing, feel nothing, hear nothing, taste nothing, and are not entirely certain who you are."
   ! this is the room where the player must >SMELL
         if verboutine = &DoSmell
             return false
             "You can see nothing, feel nothing, hear nothing, taste nothing, and are not entirely certain who you are."
      location DoSmell
         "You smell smelling salts... yadda yadda."

Great, right? No! When the player tries to SAVE, RESTORE, QUIT, or RESTART, he or she will get that same damned line. We don’t want that! Instead, we’ll use AnyVerb, like so:

room dark_room "Darkness"
      "You can see nothing, feel nothing, hear nothing, taste nothing, and are not entirely certain who you are."
   ! this is the room where the player must >SMELL
         if verboutine = &DoSmell
             return false
             "You can see nothing, feel nothing, hear nothing, taste nothing, and are not entirely certain who you are."
      location DoSmell
         "You smell smelling salts... yadda yadda."

Now, the before block is only run if the command is not an xverb. Right on!

The code

! AnyVerb(obj)
! returns <obj> if the verbroutine global applies to a verb as opposed to
! an xverb; otherwise returns false

routine AnyVerb(obj)
#ifclear NO_XVERBS
    if parser_data[VERB_IS_XVERB]
        return false
    if obj
        return obj
        return true