
The value of the player_person global variable determines whether the game is told in a first, second, or third person.

player_person value behavior example
1 Game is first-person “I can’t see that anywhere.”
2 Game is second-person “You are likely to be eaten by a stereotype!”
3 Game is third-person “Pinochio throws the hammer at the cricket!”

Additional changes

Any game that changes the default value (2) of player_person also has to make changes to the player_character object so error messages work correctly:

first person player

Set the global variable player_person to 1:

player_character you "I"
 ! nouns "you", "yourself" ! possibly (depending on whether you want the player typing >EXAMINE YOURSELF)
 pronouns "I", "me", "my", "myself"

second person player

Set the global variable player_person to 2 (this is the default value):

player_character you "you"
 ! default values work (nouns "me" "myself" / pronouns "you" "you" "your" "yourself")

third person

Set the global variable player_person to 3:

player_character jack "Jack"
 nouns "jack" "himself"
 pronouns "he","him", "his", "himself"
 is not plural