
Timesasked.h provides a system for keeping track of times that a character has been asked or told about various objects/topics. It also has some support for notifying the player of currently-available topics. Get it here.

The code

It is probably best explained by reading the commentary:

! TIMESASKED Version 1.4 by Roody Yogurt

This library contribution tries to make keeping track of how many times you ask
or tell about an object easy, for use with games with elaborate ASK/TELL system.
It also supports listing currently-available topics.

Besides including this in your game, you'll need to to declare two constants
BEFORE this is included. The two constants are:

constant TOTALCHARACTERS # ! should hold total number of characters in the game
constant MAXTOPICS # ! total number of topics any character can be asked about

Next, any object that will have multiple responses (so we need to keep track
of times asked/told) should "inherit"  the topics class. Example:

player_character you "you"
   inherits topics ! we can ask characters about ourselves

Now, every character should inherit the "chartopics" class. Example:

character randomshmoe "Random Schmoe"
   inherits chartopics

Now, witihn a character's normal DoAsk/DoTell xobject code, you can get the
current number of times asked/told by calling Asked and Told respectively.
Add some code to increase the counter. Take a look at the included example
for assistance.

If you want to make use of the DoAskTellTopics routine which allows players to
see what objects can be currently asked and told about, add the following to
your verb grammar:
xverb			"topics"
*										DoAskTellTopics

If you want the topic listing to *work properly*, you'll want to make your own
CharRules routine. Filling it out with your characters and objects, you can
define rules under which circumstances objects are available. You can even set
it so one topic won't show up unless another object has been asked/told about
by checking Asked(<other object>) or Told(<other object>)


#ifclear _TIMESASKED_H

#message "timesasked.h Version 1.4"


#if undefined MAXTOPICS
constant MAXTOPICS 10

array asktopicsleft[MAXTOPICS]
array telltopicsleft[MAXTOPICS]

! some properties to hold these values
property timesasked
property timestold

attribute is_topic

! each NPC should get his or her own charnumber, starting at 1, ending at
property charnumber

class topics
   timesasked #TOTALCHARACTERS
   is is_topic

class chartopics
   charnumber 0
   inherits topics

! just a class object for use with non-physical
! conversation topics and such
class topic_object
      return location
         "Don't be silly."
         if verbroutine = &DoAsk,&DoAskQuestion,&DoTell,&DoTalk
            return false
         "Don't be silly."
   is known

object timesaskedlib "timesasked"
#ifset _ROODYLIB_H
   type settings
   in init_instructions
   did_print 0
      if not CheckWordSetting("restore") and not CheckWordSetting("undo")
#endif  ! _ROODYLIB_H

routine SetCharNumbers
   local i = 1
   local n
   while i <= objects
      if i.#charnumber and i ~= chartopics
         i.charnumber = ++n

!\ ChangeValueAsked - utility routine for manually changing the
'timeasasked' property for a specific character (not actually called
by anything \!
routine ChangeValueAsked(obj,char,value)
   obj.timesasked #(char) = obj.timesasked #(char) + value

routine Asked(obj)  ! only meant to be called by character's DoAsk code
{                   ! returns the 'times asked' number of the current object
                    ! being asked about
   if not obj
      obj = xobject
   return obj.timesasked #(speaking.charnumber)

routine Told(obj) ! only mean to be called by character's DoTell code
{                 ! returns the 'times told' number of the current object
                  ! being asked about
   if not obj
      obj = xobject
   return obj.timestold #(speaking.charnumber)

! ArrayCheck checks an object's property elements
! and returns true when it finds a value

routine ArrayCheck(arr)
   if array arr[0]
      return true
      return false

!\ TopicsList is a modified version of PropertyList. "you" as a topic gets
changed to "yourself" and the speaker is listed as "himself" or "herself" \!

routine TopicsList(arr, artic)
   local a, b, n, total

   for (a=0; a< MAXTOPICS; a++)
      if array arr[a]:  total++

   for (a=0; a< MAXTOPICS; a++)
      b = array arr[a]
      if b
         if artic
            if b = speaking or b = player
               print b.pronoun #4;

         if (a+1) < total and total > 2
            print ", ";
         elseif (a+1) = total-1:  print " ";

         if a+1 = total - 1
            print AND_WORD; " ";
   return n

routine DoAskTellTopics
   if not speaking
      TimesAskedVMessage(&DoAskTellTopics,1) !	"You are not talking to anyone
                                             !   at the moment."
      return false

   local i,j

! time to clear the character's asktopicsleft and telltopicsleft properties
!   so we can refill them

   for (i=0; i<MAXTOPICS; i++)
      asktopicsleft[i] = 0
      telltopicsleft[i] = 0

   verbroutine = &DoAsk
   for (i=29; i<=objects; i++)
      if i is is_topic and CharRules(i)
         asktopicsleft[j++] = i

   j = 0

   verbroutine = &DoTell
   for (i=29; i<=objects; i++)
      if i is is_topic and CharRules(i)
         telltopicsleft[j++] = i

   local m,n
   TimesAskedVMessage(&DoAskTellTopics,5) ! "("
   if ArrayCheck(asktopicsleft)
      TimesAskedVMessage(&DoAskTellTopics,2) ! "You can ask <char> about..."
      m = 1
   if ArrayCheck(telltopicsleft)
      if m
         print " ";
      TimesAskedVMessage(&DoAskTellTopics, 3 , m) ! "You can tell <char>
                                                  ! about..."
      n = 1
   if not n and not m
      TimesAskedVMessage(&DoAskTellTopics,4) ! "You have nothing to talk about
                                             !  at this time."
   TimesAskedVMessage(&DoAskTellTopics,5,1)  ! ")"

routine TimesAskedVMessage(r, num, a, b)
   if NewTimesAskedVMessages(r, num, a, b):  return

   select r
      case &DoAskTellTopics
         select num
            case 1: "You are not talking to anyone at the moment."
            case 2
               print "You can ask "; speaking.name ; " about ";
               print ".";
            case 3
               print "You can tell ";
               if a
                  print speaking.pronoun #2 ;
                  print speaking.name ;
               print " about ";
               print ".";
            case 4
               print "You have nothing to talk about at this time.";
            case 5
               if not a
                  print "(";
                  print ")"

!\ The NewTimesAskedVMessages routine may be REPLACED and should return
true if a replacement message exists for routine <r> \!

routine NewTimesAskedVMessages(r, num, a, b)
   return false

routine CharRules(obj)
   return true


Some examples

! Example of a character
character fred "Fred"
   noun "fred"
   inherits chartopics ! inherits all relevant properties
      object DoAsk
         local notcount ! let's create a variable that if true, the 'timesasked'
                        ! counter does NOT increase
         select xobject
            case you
               if not Asked
                  "You seem swell."
                  "I said you seem swell."
            case STARTLOCATION
               select Asked
               case 0 : "I like swell places."
               case 1: "This place seems swell."
               case 2: "Sure, this place seems really swell."
               case else: "I'm done talking about how swell this
               place is."
            case fred: "I'm just this guy."
            case else: "I dunno!"
         if not notcount
            xobject.timesasked #(self.charnumber) =  Asked + 1

      object DoTell
         select xobject
         case you
            if not Told
               "You seem swell."
               "I said you seem swell."
         case STARTLOCATION
            select Told
            case 0 : "I like swell places."
            case 1: "This place seems swell."
            case 2: "Sure, this place seems really swell."
            case else: "I'm done talking about how swell this
            place is."
         case self: "I'm just this guy."
         case else: "I dunno!"
         xobject.timestold #(self.charnumber) =  Told + 1

! Example of an object
object tincan "tin can"
   article "the"
   adjective "tin"
   noun "can"
   inherits topics

! CharRules example
replace CharRules(obj)  ! called by DoAskTellTopics
   local a, b
   if verbroutine = &DoAsk
      b = Asked(obj)
      b = Told(obj)
   select speaking
      case fred
         select verbroutine
            case &DoAsk
               select obj
                  case you: a = b < 1
                  ! "you" will show up as a topic if it hasn't been
                  ! asked about
                  case STARTLOCATION: a = b < 3
                  ! the start room will show up as a topic if it has
                  ! been asked about less than three times
                  case fred: a = 1
                  ! fred will always show up as a topic
                  case else : a = 0
                  ! nothing else will show up as a topic
            case &DoTell
               select obj
                  case you: a = b < 1
                  case STARTLOCATION: a = b < 3
                  case fred: a = 1
                  case else : a = 0
   return a