
Time.h is an extension by Kent Tessman (based on Future Boy! source) that collects several routines for dealing with the passage of time (in terms of seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years). This slightly-modified version (some properties have been aliased and some routines have been added) follows the instructions benevolently dictated by its license. It requires the inclusion of the Hugo Library’s system.h file.

Get it here.


Maybe you want your game to seem like it takes place *right now* and want to use some its routines that grab the current time and date for you. Maybe you want your game to write dates to file so you can make fun of the player when he comes back to it months later. This extension makes these things easier!

For instance, a game “jukebox”

Here are some files that use the time routines to improve upon the Music Engine from the Tips category without being bothered by the passage of hours, days, and so forth. Of course, it relies on Hugor’s handling of music files, in which a minimized window is muted (and the music is not paused), but it is likely that future official Hugo interpreters will also work that way.

What will you do with it?