
Spellsys is a neat Enchanter-spell library extension by Cardinal Teulbachs distributed in the form of an incomplete game. It has code for the spells gnusto, frotz, blorple, girgol, and logrig, but it presumably could be expanded to cover many other* of the Enchanter and Zork series’ spells. In its original state, it won’t compile under Hugo 3.1.

  • For a list of all of the spells from the Enchanter and Zork series, go to here


The release notes disallow the distribution of a modified version of the file, so this page will explain all of the steps necessary to get it going.

turn off precompiled headers

It’s easiest to just comment that, out. If you do want some practice at compiling with a precompiled library, be sure to compile with the flags #set USE_PLURAL_OBJECTS and #set USE_ATTACHABLES.


Change #include "grammar.g" to #include "verblib.g". Before that, add the following:

verb "girgol","logrig"
    *                   DoSpell

updating you

The player character object has to be changed to match the current library. Change the character class to player_character. Change the name from “yourself” to “you”. Also, delete the nouns and is plural lines.

event definition

On line 464, change event sky_change to event in meadow.

an improvement

After line 1014 ( “you don’t have so-and-so spell memorized”), insert this before the break line: AssignPronoun(obj)

This’ll allow players to just type >MEMORIZE IT right away. That’s all of them. Have fun!