
Simpletalk.h is a modified version of Robb Sherwin’s port of Adam Cadre’s Inform 6 Phototalk extension. Among other things, it has been made into the format of a library contribution for easy inclusion. You can download it here

Special notes

Usage is explained in the comments in simpletalk.h, but you can also take a look at the included sample “game”.

The extension itself

Simpletalk.h version 2.5, based on code written by Robb Sherwin, updated and
turned into an includable library by Roody Yogurt.

This is a simplified version of Sherwin's Phototalk port. This one drops support
for contextualized multiple-choice menus (which it seems the original Inform 6
version had) and is just a bare-bones list-all-available-quips system.

   v 2.5 - Added DoQuickTalk routine to allow for commands like "talk <char> 1"
           so walkthroughs and such can work with the talk system. to use, add
           grammar like this to your game:
verb "t","talk
   * living "1"/"2"/"3"/"4"        DoQuickTalk
   * number                        DoQuickTalk

   v 2.4 - removed unnecessary word[2] check to allow command shortening
   v 2.3 - fixed a message routine bug
   v 2.2 - added event_flag check so external things can kick the player out of
   conversation loop
   V 2.1 - added can_quit and loop_talk globals. can_quit defaults to true
   but if set false, players can't quit out of conversations. loop_talk
   defaults to false but if set true, loops conversation menus while options are

   In games with non-disappearing conversation options, authors should be wary
   of loop_talk and no-can_quit combinations.

Usage notes:

Of course, #include this from your main file.

Also, add the following:

! Set up the quip declarations
array qflag[100]          ! where 100 = total number of quips in the game
array quips[5] = 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 ! 5 = number of characters, the 20s are
                                    ! how many quips are alloted to each

Change that as needed to fit your code.

Give characters that you can talk to in the game the property "charnumber" and
a value starting at 1 (first character gets 1, 2nd character is 2, and so on)

Also, add the following routines:

routine SayQ (char, line)
   local dont_remove
   case 1
      case 0: {">This is the first thing you can say to char one."}
      case 1: {">This is the second thing you can say to char one."}
   case 2
      case 0: {">This is the first thing you can say to char two."}
      case 1: {">This is the second thing you can say to char two."}
   if not dont_remove

routine Respond (char, line)
   case 1
      case 0: "This is the first response from character number one."
      case 1: "This is the second response from character number one."
   case 2
      case 0: "This is the first response from character number two."
      case 1: "This is the second response from character number two."
! Let's turn off whichever quip we selected

   And fill them to suit your game.

   Make another routine:

routine SetUpQuips

   And add SetUpQuips to the init routine in your game. This sets up all of the
   quips available at the start of the game. The first number in SetQuip is the
   character's charnumber, the second is the line that's now available through
   SayQ, and the third should just be 1 (turning the question on).

   Call SetQuip(#,#,1) to turn on other quips as the game progresses.

#ifclear _SIMPLETALK_H

#message "Simpletalk.h version 2.5"

#ifclear _ROODYLIB_H
#message error "Extension crediting requires \"roodylib.h\". Be sure to include it first!"
version_obj simpletalk_version "SimpleTalk Version 2.5"
   in included_extensions
      " by Robb Sherwin and Roody Yogurt";

property charnumber

global loop_talk
global can_quit = true
constant NOT_AVAILABLE 0
constant AVAILABLE 1
constant SPOKEN 2

replace DoTalk
   speaking = 0
   if (not xobject and word[2] ~= "about") or
      (xobject >= 1 and xobject <= 4)
      if object is unfriendly
         if not object.ignore_response
            Message(&Speakto, 4)    ! "X ignores you."
         !	speaking = 0
      elseif object = player
         Message(&Speakto, 1)    ! "Stop talking to yourself."
         return false
      elseif object is not living
         PhotoMessage(&DoTalk, 1) ! "you can't talk to that"
         return false
         local a,b
         speaking = object ! this speech system doesn't really need to keep
                     ! track of who's speaking
         while true
            b = Phototalk
            a = higher(a,b)
            xobject = 0
            if loop_talk and (not MoreTalk or not b)
            elseif not loop_talk
            if event_flag
               select event_flag
                  case 1
                     PhotoMessage(&DoTalk,2) ! "Do you want to keep talking?"
                     if not YesOrNo
                     case 2: break
#ifclear NO_SCRIPTS
         if a        ! only successful conversations pause scripts
      return true

   PhotoMessage(&DoTalk,3) ! "Just talking to <the object> will suffice."
   return false

routine Phototalk
   local x, y, z, ok = 0
   local selected

! Count up all the lines by previous characters.
   if object.charnumber
      for (x=0; x < object.charnumber; x++)
         y += quips[x]

! Check and make sure you have something to say.
   for (x=y; x<(y+quips[object.charnumber]); x++)
      if (QuipOn(object,x-y))
         if not xobject

! Write contents to the screen
   if ok
      if ok = 1 and not xobject ! and not BeenSpoken(object,t)
         xobject = 1
      if not xobject or xobject < 0 or xobject > ok
         PhotoMessage(&PhotoTalk, 1) ! "Please select one:"

      ! List the player's choices
      for (x=y;  x < (y+(quips[object.charnumber])); x++)
         if (QuipOn(object,x-y))
            if not xobject
               PhotoMessage(&PhotoTalk, 2, z) ! "(#)"
            if not xobject or xobject = z

      if not xobject
         while true
            selected = GetDial(z)
            if can_quit or (not can_quit and selected)
         selected = xobject

      if (selected ~= 0)
         for (x=y;  x < (y+quips[object.charnumber]); x++)
            if (QuipOn(object,x-y))
               if (ok = selected)
      PhotoMessage(&Phototalk,3) ! "Eeeagh! Stage fright! Abort!"

      return selected

   PhotoMessage(&PhotoTalk,4) ! "You really have nothing to say right now."

routine DoQuickTalk
   local r
   local i = 1
   while word[(i+1)] ~= ""
      if i > 2
         select word[i]
            case "1": r = 1
            case "2" : r = 2
            case "3" : r = 3
            case "4" : r = 4

   if not r
      if speaking
         r = object
         object = speaking
         "It is unclear whom you are speaking to."
      speaking = object
   return Perform(&DoTalk, speaking, r)

routine MoreTalk
   local x, y

   if object.charnumber
      for (x=0; x < object.charnumber; x++)
         y += quips[x]

   for (x=y; x<(y+quips[object.charnumber]); x++)
      if (QuipOn(object,x-y)) ! and not BeenSpoken(object, x-y)
         return true

routine GetDial(max)
   word[1] = ""
   local temp
   PhotoMessage(&GetDial,1) ! "Select a choice or 0 to keep quiet. >> "

   while true
      if word[1] = "0" or words = 0
      if word[1]
         temp = StringToNumber(word[1])
         temp = StringToNumber(parse$)
      if temp ~= 0 and temp <= max
      PhotoMessage(&GetDial,1) ! "Select a choice or 0 to keep quiet. >> "
      temp = 0

   return temp

routine SetQuip (char, line, onoff, markused)
   local x n

   for (x=0; x<char; x++)
      n += quips[x]

   n += line

   if markused
      qflag[n] = onoff | SPOKEN
      qflag[n] = onoff

routine QuipOn (char, line)
   local x n

   for (x=0; x<char.charnumber; x++)
      n += quips[x]
   n += line
   if (qflag[n] & AVAILABLE)
      return true

routine BeenSpoken(char, line)
   local x n

   for (x=0; x<char.charnumber; x++)
      n += quips[x]
   n += line
   if (qflag[n] & SPOKEN)
      return true

replace DoAsk
   return PrintConverseUsage

replace DoAskQuestion
   return PrintConverseUsage

replace DoTell
   return PrintConverseUsage

routine PrintConverseUsage
   "Try \B>TALK TO CHARACTER\b instead."
   return false

routine PhotoMessage(r, num, a, b)
   local ret
   ret = NewPhotoMessages(r, num, a, b)
   if ret : return ret

   select r
      case &PhotoTalk
         select num
            case 1: "Please select one:"
            case 2
               print "("; number a; ")";
            case 3: "Eeeagh! Stage fright! Abort!"
            case 4: "You really have nothing to say right now."

      case &GetDial
         select num
            case 1
               if can_quit
                  "Select a choice or 0 to keep quiet. >> ";
                  "Select a choice>> ";
      case &DoTalk
         select num
            case 1: "You can't talk to that!"
            case 2
               print "\nDo you want ";
               if player_person ~= 2:  print The(player, true); " ";
               print "to keep talking (YES or NO)? ";
            case 3: 	print "Just talking to "; art(object); " will suffice."

!\ The NewPhotoMessages routine may be REPLACED and should return
true if a replacement message exists for routine <r> \!

routine NewPhotoMessages(r, num, a, b)
   select r
   case else : return false
   return true
