
“Plumbing” is a library contribution that intends to save some time when coding sinks and toilets. It consists of an object class of each, a water class to fill them, and some additional verb routines for verbs often associated with such. It is a modified version of the ob_plumb.hug file from the Future Boy! Selected Source code release, and as such, adheres to its license. Very little testing has been put into this contribution.


Look at ‘plumbing_example.hug’ to see how to incorporate it into your game, and alter the files as needed.

Additional Notes

The plumbing objects in these files are scenery, just like they are in the original Future Boy! files, so be aware of that. Also, there was a bug in the original where EMPTY SINK would result in the fill_water object being dropped to the floor in the original. This gets around it somewhat, but depending on how much utility your sink has (can objects be put in it while it has water in it?), you may need to further refine the code.