
NewAutomap, an update to Automap, is a library extension that adds several mapping possible mapping functions to your game. One use is to show a quick map that will last one turn, and another option will turn on an automapper that stays on. Lastly, there is an option to do a full map that shows as many rooms as possible. Unlike the original, this version will work on glk interpreters. It can be downloaded here.

How To Add to Your Game

Besides including the library extenstion file, you’ll want to add the following to the grammar and the main routine in your main source file:

! grammar
xverb "map", "m"
        *                                       DoMap
        * "on"                                  DoMapOn
        * "off"                                 DoMapOff
        * "from" object                         DoMap
        * "game"                                DoFullMap
        * "game" "from" object                  DoFullMap

! to be added to main{}, after PrintStatusLine


How to Code Your Mappable Rooms

Here is everything a mappable room needs:

room room5 "room 5"
      ! only rooms with the visited attribute are shown. of course, you don't need to set this as rooms will be set visited when
      ! they are, um, visited
      is visited

      e_to room3  ! your average direction definition

      s_to   {                            ! exits with doors or other special code
             if object = s_obj            ! need to check if the object is set to the direction object
               return a_door.door_to  ! before executing proper direction code. otherwise, we'll just
         else                         ! return with the final destination so as not to confuse the
           return room4           ! mapper

      map_list #13 ! all rooms need 13 open map_list property slots if the game uses the full map function

Differences Between Glk and Non-Glk Performance

In glk interpreters, all mapping is drawn in the status window since locate doesn’t work in the main window. In a regular interpreter, the automapper is in a floating window beneath the status line.