
Follow is an extension by Kent Tessman that allows for multiple following NPCs (defaults to 8). This slightly-modified version (some Future Boy! -specific code has been commented out) follows the instructions dictated by its license.

A version of this is included with Roodylib.


Use the AddFollower and RemoveFollower routines to add characters to the characters-following array, and StartFollowing to turn it on (and StopFollowing to turn it off).

The code


  follow.h version 2.0

  Mechanisms for enabling NPCs to follow the player

  by Kent Tessman

  Updated for general usage by Jon Blask
  (See original at

  [Original code also has a routine for counting followers,
  support for a follower-of-a-follower, and multimedia stuff- as
  they pertain to Future Boy!]

—————————————————————————! #ifclear _FOLLOW_H #set _FOLLOW_H

#ifset VERSIONS #message “Follow.h Version 2.0” #endif

constant MAX_FOLLOWERS 8

array follower_list[MAX_FOLLOWERS] array moved_follower[MAX_FOLLOWERS] attribute following global followers global following_paused

property follow_message ! for locations, a suffix such as ! “ you down the stairs.”

property disallow_follow ! return true if circumstances disallow ! following (for characters or locations)

property pause_following ! for NPCs

routine AddFollower(char) { if followers = MAX_FOLLOWERS or char is following return false follower_list[followers++] = char char is following return true }

routine RemoveFollower(char) { local i for (i=0; i<MAX_FOLLOWERS; i++) { if follower_list[i] = char { while (i < MAX_FOLLOWERS-2) { follower_list[i] = follower_list[i+1] i++ } follower_list[MAX_FOLLOWERS-1] = 0 followers– char is not following return } } }

StartFollowing and StopFollowing are just two “helper” routines so authors don’t need to remember that the following mechanism is handled by a daemon (and therefore needs to be activated or deactivated)

  If your game starts with a character following the PC,
  call StartFollowing *after* the player global is set.    \!

routine StartFollowing { return Activate(follow_daemon) }

routine StopFollowing { return Deactivate(follow_daemon) }

daemon follow_daemon { }

event in follow_daemon { ! if (verbroutine = &DoGo, &DoExit, &DoCrawl) and location ~= old_location ! ^ Future Boy! has a DoCrawl verb if (verbroutine = &DoGo, &DoExit, &DoEnter) and location ~= old_location MoveFollowers }

routine MoveFollowers { local i, mf

  if followers = 0

  if location.disallow_follow

  ! Don't allow following through or during a teleport sequence
  ! Roody's note: I don't really understand what the next two lines do, but
  ! I tried to change them to be less Hugo-shell-centric (since not everybody
  ! names their player object "you"    !	if player ~= you    !		return

#ifclear _ROODYLIB_H if player.type ~= character return #else if player.type ~= player_character return #endif

  for (i=0; i<followers; i++)
     if follower_list[i] in old_location and
        follower_list[i] not in location and
        not follower_list[i].pause_following and
        not follower_list[i].disallow_follow

        move follower_list[i] to location
        moved_follower[mf] = follower_list[i]



  if (mf)
     print ""
     FollowMessage(&MoveFollowers,1,mf) ! "So-and-so follows you."
  }    }

#if undefined PrintArrayList ! taken from misc.h … called from MoveFollowers:

! PrintArrayList(list, count) ! Prints count elements of the array list.

routine PrintArrayList(list, count) { local i for (i=1; i<=count; i++) { if i > 1: “ “; The(array list[i-1]) if i < count and count > 2: “,”; if i = count-1: print “ “; AND_WORD; } return false } #endif ! if undefined PrintArrayList

routine FollowMessage(r, num, a, b) { if NewFollowMessages(r, num, a, b): return

  select r
  case &MoveFollowers
     select num
        case 1:
           print capital PrintArrayList(moved_follower, a);
           " follow";
           if a = 1 and moved_follower[0] is not plural:  "s";
           if not location.follow_message
              print " ";
              if player_person = 1,2
                 print player.pronoun #2;
           event_flag = true
  }    }

routine NewFollowMessages(r, num, a, b) { return false } #endif ! #ifset _FOLLOW_H


! this code assumes you have already run "StartFollowing"
! (must be done AFTER the player global is set in init routine)
character friendlygiant "friendly giant"
   article "the"
   adjective "friendly"
   noun "giant"
      ! a response to GIANT, FOLLOW ME
      if verbroutine = &DoFollow and object = player  ! DoFollow can be found in verbstub
          if self is following
              "The giant says, \"I'm already following you!\""
              "The giant says, \"OK!\""
          return true
      elseif verbroutine = &DoStop ! DoStop is made up for this example
          if self is not following
              "The giant says, \"I wasn't following you!\""
              "The giant says, \"OK!\""
          return true
      return false ! for other commands, do the normal behavior

room tinyroom "Cramped Space"
       "Man, this place is tiny."
   out_to giant_hall
   disallow_follow 1 ! (true so our giant can't follow us in here)

! here is an example of a character that will only follow under
! certain circumstances
character rats "rats"
   article "the"
   noun "rats"
      if not Contains(player,musicpipe) ! is the player not holding the pipe instrument?
         return true
         return false
   is plural