
Occasionally, you may need to have a vehicle in your game. Be it a car (in a city), a horse (in a western) or a flying saucer. You’re in luck, as objlib.h defines a basic vehicle class!

First Things First

If you’re going to use a vehicle in your game, you’ll need to set the USE_VEHICLES flag near the top of your code.


“Driving” Verbs

You will also need to define the verb(s) used to “drive” your vehicle (or fly, or ride, etc…)

verb "drive"
    *        DoMoveinVehicle
    * object DoMoveinVehicle

Defining the Vehicle

Here’s a simple example of a car definition:

vehicle rollsroyce "Rolls Royce"
  article "my"
  adjectives "silver", "expensive", "rolls"
  nouns "car", "rolls", "royce", "wraith"

  vehicle_verb "drive"
    ! your description would go here

  ! can't drive the car if it's out of gas
    if self is not filled ! Assuming we've defined a 'filled' attribute
      "The fuel gauge is sitting on empty, this beautiful car isn't going
       anywhere at the moment."
      return false   ! returning false here stops the MoveinVehicle action
      return true

The Vehicle Path

The Hugo Library assumes that vehicles cannot be moved in any location by default (you probable wouldn’t want a car to be able to be driven in your kitchen) so you have to define a property for each room where a vehicle can be driven, and also, which vehicles are allowed where. (for example, you may not want to allow a tricycle on a freeway)

! a couple of simple rooms where the rollsroyce defined above can be driven
room mainStreet "Main street"
    "A really nifty description of Main Street would go here"
  e_to myHouse
  s_to bentonStreet
  n_to thirdStreet
  vehicle_path rollsroyce

room bentonStreet "Benton Street"
  ! descriptions and exits definitions here
  vehicle_path rollsroyce

room myHouse "My House"
    "123 Main Street, the house I grew up in"
  w_to mainStreet
  e_to entryHall
  ! and so on and so forth
  ! notice, there is no vehicle_path defined in this room, because
  ! driving a car here would be kind of silly

Determining whether player is in the vehicle

To determine if the player is in the vehicle, compare the parent to the vehicle:

   if (parent(player)=rollsroyce) {
     ! code if they're in the car
   } else {
     ! if they're not

Things not to do

If you are using a test on a place, and the test succeeded, do not use MovePlayer, because the player would be pulled out of the vehicle:

! We presume two other vehicles called Taxicab and PoliceCar were defined elsewhere

room Airport2 "Chase International Airport"
   vehicle_path Taxicab, PoliceCar, rollsroyce
     "A sign out front says
       'Chase International Airport
    Welcomes you to the City of Panus
    Established 1700, Incorporated 1830.

    Chevy Chase County
    Established 1750
    Incorporated 1910
    Welcomes you to the Home of East-Coast University.'

        The main pick up/departure roadway continues north and south, while
        to the west is a driveway with a sign reading 'Authorized Vehicles Only'"
   n_to Airport1
   s_to Airport3
     if (parent(player)=Taxicab or parent(player)=policecar)
       print "The police waive you through."
     } else {
       if (parent(player)=rollsroyce)
         "Your vehicle is not authorized."
         "Pedestrians are not permitted past this point."

Instead, you need to cover the two conditions, when the user is in a vehicle and when they are not, in the before event:

room Airport2 "Chase International Airport"
   vehicle_path Taxicab, PoliceCar, rollsroyce
     "A sign out front says
       'Chase International Airport
    Welcomes you to the City of Panus
    Established 1700, Incorporated 1830.

    Chevy Chase County
    Established 1750
    Incorporated 1910
    Welcomes you to the Home of East-Coast University.'

        The main pick up/departure roadway continues north and south, while
        to the west is a driveway with a sign reading 'Authorized Vehicles Only'"

    location    DoMoveinVehicle
! if you have multiple exits, specify each with  or  between them, e.g. if ((object=e_obj) or (object=nw_obj)) etc
             if ((object=w_obj) )
                if (parent(player) = PoliceCar or parent(player)=Taxicab)
                     print "The Police waive you through "
                     return false  ! This permits the move to go through
                  } else
                     "Your vehicle is not authorized."
        location    DoGo
               if ((object=w_obj))
                   "Pedestrians are not permitted past this point. "
                   return true   ! This is optional, it happens automatically
   ! If neither of these were the case or they weren't traveling west, the go or drive command
   ! proceeds as if this code was not here

   n_to Airport1
   s_to Airport3
   w_to Airport4  ! this will be overridden by the 'before' event

In the above example, a police car or taxi can be driven west, but you can’t walk there or drive the Rolls.

Lurking Forklifts

In the Infocom game The Lurking Horror, there is a forklift that allows you to drive it with regular navigation commands (GO EAST. N. WEST.) as long as the forklift is turned on. The following code does its best approximation of the Lurking Horror behavior. The most challenging aspect was that DoMoveInVehicle requires the word array to have one of the vehicle_verb words in it, so we had to use InsertWord to make room for it if the player had typed a one-word command like “NORTH.”

room basement "Basement"
    e_to tempbase
    u_to compcenter
    vehicle_path forklift
        location    DoMoveinVehicle
            if object = u_obj
                "The forklift won't fit into the stairwell."
                return false

room compcenter "Computer Center"
    d_to basement

vehicle forklift "forklift"
    article "the"
    noun "forklift"
    in basement
    prep "on", "off"
        "There is a forklift here."
        "It is a rusty and wheezing old forklift. It looks like you could control it fairly easy, though."
    vehicle_verb "go" "drive" "ride" ! "go" is first so it still says "You can't go that way."
        if self is not switchedon
            "You can't go anywhere in a forklift that isn't running."
            return false
            return true
        object DoSwitchOn, DoSwitchoff
            if parent(player) ~= self
                "You'll have to get in it first."
                return false
    react_before  {
        if verbroutine = &DoGo and parent(player) = self
                if object = d_obj, out_obj  ! let's interpret >OUT and >DOWN
                    {                        ! as getting out of the forklift
                    words = 0                ! stop SetupDirectionObjects from
                    verbroutine = 0          ! resetting the object (it's called by
                    object = out_obj               ! Perform)
                    return false
                if self is switchedon
                    if words > 1
                        word[1] = "drive"
                        word[1] = "drive"
                    Perform(&DoMoveInVehicle, object)
                    return true
                    "You can't go anywhere in a forklift that isn't running."
                    return true
        return false
        object DoSwitchOn
            "The forklift sputters to life."
        object DoSwitchOff
            "The forklift coughs ones, and dies."
        object DoListen
            "At the moment, the forklift is quiet as a graveyard."
        object DoExit
            "You are now on your feet."
    is switchable

room tempbase "Temporary Basement"
    w_to basement
    e_to deadstorage
    vehicle_path forklift
        location    DoMoveinVehicle
            if object = u_obj
                "The forklift won't fit into the stairwell."
                return false

room deadstorage "Dead Storage"
    w_to tempbase
    vehicle_path forklift
    is not light

replace NewVMessages(r, num, a, b)

        select r

    case &DoSwitchOn
        select num
        case 1: {
            if object = forklift
                "It's wheezing away already."
                print CThe(object); IsorAre(object); " already turned on."
        case 2: return false

    case &DoSwitchOff
        select num
        case 1:  {
            if object = forklift
                "It's already off."
                print CThe(object); IsorAre(object); " already turned off."
        case 2:  return false

        case else : return false

    return true ! this line is only reached if we replaced something

replace DarkWarning
    "It is pitch black."


In the above example, we had to do several things in the react_before property so that “down” would an acceptable direction for leaving the forklift:

  1. We changed the object from d_obj to out_obj so that DoGo doesn’t automatically print a “You’ll have to get off” message.
  2. We cleared the words global so that when SetupDirectionObjects is called by Perform, it doesn’t reset the object global back to d_obj
  3. We clear the verbroutine global so that DoGo can’t call the vehicle class’s before property.