
An object is a thing which the game manipulates to accomplish tasks. An object is a single variable that carries all attributes defined in the program, and can hold multiple values through properties as well as executable code. The object command is a declaration, not something to be executed like a routine.

Objects are the building blocks of the Hugo game world. They are used to represent everything from simple things such as a basketball to complex things such as characters.

An object is defined through the following specification:

 object <object_name> ["optional object display name"]
   [optional specifications and  code for object goes here ]

The following are examples of object names: An “object” is used when you have to define a thing that is not defined by the standard library. If there is an existing object or a class which defines an object that you can use, (like a room or a character) you’re probably better off using the predefined object and adding additional properties and resetting attributes that are different from what you need.

Every attribute defined in the program is automatically assigned to an object, e.g. every object has the living, female, and static attributes, along with all of the other ones.

Attributes are set or cleared through the is command. Properties are added to an object by specifying them.

Here is an example of a full object definition

attribute Hard
attribute furniture
attribute broken
property color

object Table "wooden table"
  is Hard, furniture, not broken
  is static
  color "Brown"
  size 20
  capacity 100

In the above case, the table has set two attributes the player has created (hard and furniture), unset one (broken), and set one standard property (static). It has selected three properties, one is player created (color) and two are standard (size and capacity).