
living is an attribute given to living things. As such, it is an important part of the character class definition. The standard library usually uses it in grammar tokens and routines to check for interactions with characters, but you could use it for animals and such, too. You’ll just have to take care to properly set object pronouns and messages.

Some Examples

Vault of Hugo uses it thus:

        object DoThrowAt
            if xobject is living
                "Trying to start something, are we?"
                Perform(&DoAttachObject, object, xobject)

routine DoPunt
    if object is living
        "Oh, good.  Real good.  Pick a fight, now.  That's really
        going to get you places."
    elseif object.type ~= balls
        "You won't get very far trying to kick that around."
        "You wind up and give ";
        " a good boot.  ";
        if dwarf in ballroom
            "The dwarf nods approvingly."
            print newline
        move object to ballroom
        player.holding = player.holding - object.size
    return true

Here’s some Future Boy! code that uses it as grammar tokens:

verb "ask"
    * object                    DoAskObject
    * living "about" "her"/"his"/"their" "name"/"names" DoAskName
    * living "about" "hername"          DoAskName
    * living "hername"              DoAskName
    * living "her"/"his"/"their" "name"/"names" DoAskName
    * living "where" anything "is"/"are"        DoAskWhere
    * living "who" anything "is"/"are"      DoAsk