
known is an attribute for keeping track of whether a player has seen something yet. Unlike the moved attribute, it requires no direct interaction. For objects not originally defined with the known attribute, objects are given it by routines like FindObject, DescribePlace, ShortDescribe, AddSpecialDesc, ListObjects, and RunScripts as you happen upon them.

Using known to fake knowledge

Sometimes you’ll have to code fake objects just to make your game seem smarter. Part of this process is giving the hypothetical object the known attribute so the player doesn’t get a “You don’t know about that.” type response. Take, for instance, this fake object to allow a specialized responsed to >GO HOME.

object home_object "home"
   noun "home"
   in_scope you
   is known
         if verbroutine = &DoGo
            "Good plan, but how?"
            "That doesn't make any sense."
         "That doesn't make any sense."